Cleaning Diamond & Gemstone jewellery


Normal cleaning.

Just pour on a few drops of household detergent, Scrub it with a fine, soft toothbrush and rinse it under warm water.

Avoid Temperature shocks:

Avoid rapid temperature change for all stones. When you clean your jewellery by soaking it in near-boiling water, never rinse the jewellery in cold running water. The result is called thermal shock, and it takes the form of cleavages or fractures. Emerald, garnet, opal, peridot, tanzanite and tourmaline are vulnerable to thermal shock. Any gem with large breaks or liquid inclusions is, too. Although the rock withstands the heat while soaking, it is sensitive to the temperature change when rinsed.

Care for your solid opal gemstone jewellery:

When wearing any type of Opal stone, please be sure to avoid bleach, chemicals, cleaners and any other non-natural substance. Cleaning your Opal Jewelry doesn’t require any special accessories or appliances. A bowl of water with mild detergent will do the trick! Clean solid opal gently, with a mild detergent in warm water and a soft toothbrush or cloth. Scrub gently and then rinse.

  1. The hardness of opals varies from 5.5 to 6.5 Mohs, which makes them a soft gemstone. Avoid knocking or scraping the stone; protect it from scratches and blows. Remember, exposed corners can chip. You can put them away while working in rigorous conditions or while handling harsh chemicals. This way, you can avoid scratches and cracks from developing on these colourful beauties.
  2. Opals are delicate gemstones and have about 20% to 30% of water trapped in them. Intense heat and light can cause ‘crazing’ or fracture lines on them. They are sensitive to extreme and sudden changes in temperatures. They mustn’t be stored too dry or exposed to heat over a long period, causing them to crack and craze. When you store your opals, keep them wrapped in a damp cloth or with a wet piece of cotton to avoid dehydration. Or just store them in a damp place such as the bathroom
  3. It is best to wear your opals more often if you want them to be looking beautiful for years to come. Exposing opals to the humidity in the air and the moisture in your body will keep them hydrated and preserve the stunning colours within.

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